Park Project
Newsletter > Lyons Rd. - Palm Beach County Utilities
Lyons Rd. - Palm Beach County Utilities

Feb 21, 2017

I received the following email from Palm Beach County Utilities Department today......................................................

Thank you for attending the Palm Beach County Water Utilities Department’s Community Information Session on January 17. At the meeting we discussed an upcoming project that involves replacing a pipe along Lyons Road, which will increase the capacity, efficiency and reliability of the wastewater system. You requested notification of the project start date.

We have just been informed that the contractor will begin mobilizing within the next two weeks. The project will take approximately 90 days to complete. This work will be performed between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

In order to minimize inconvenience to area residents and businesses and to expedite the completion of this project, we will close one of the northbound lanes on the east side of Lyons Road from Norte Lago to Glades Road while the work is being done. Two-way traffic will still be maintained for travel north and south on Lyons Road.

PBCWUD has contracted with Johnson-Davis Construction to do this work. You can expect to see their employees, trucks, and equipment in the neighborhood while the work is in progress.

If you have any questions before, during or after construction, please call our Water Project Information Line at 561.493.6251.

Best regards,

Linda Culbertson
MWH Communications Specialist
PBC WUD Capital Improvements Program
PBC Water Utilities Department
8100 Forest Hill Blvd
West Palm Beach, FL 33413
Mobile: (561) 386-1409