Park Project
Newsletter > Escondido Landscape Imrprovements 4-6-15
Escondido Landscape Imrprovements 4-6-15

Apr 3, 2015

As most of you know by now there are budgeted landscape improvements along Lyons Road immediately north of the guardhouse extending to the northern limits of Escondido. Permits have been pulled and work is anticipated to commence on Monday, April 6th. The first phase of the project includes the removal of the existing site walls, bringing in fill, and re-grading the area adjacent to Lyons Road to provide a uniform appearance. This first phase of work is anticipated to take about 3 weeks. During that time frame our contractor will be closing the eastern most northbound lane along Lyons Road so please use extreme caution when exiting and entering the neighborhood and please be careful when driving around the work zone. The lane along Lyons Road is anticipated to be closed from 9am - 3pm each day until the first phase of the work is complete. If you have any concerns or you notice something unusual please feel free to contact Steve Unger our property manager at Crest (561)-994-2334


Chad Edwards
President - Escondido